Goddess Page

Drie on the Veluwe in the Netherlands

a holy place of the goddess

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The holy place of the goddess at Drie,

is getting more and more attention

from spiritual people.


Since the little temple of the goddess has been

used for many years as part of the Boshuis restaurant,

many tourists come to visit this remarkable place.


The ancient temple, now part of the Boshuis restaurant,

is very near the Solse Gat,

another place deep in the woods

 where the goddess also has been honored

for several thousands of years.


The same Irish missionaries who settled

at the holy place of Heiloo in about 700 AD

to destroy the temple of the goddess,

also went to Drie for that same purpose.

Almost in the same year as they built

the first chapel of Heiloo,

 they also built their little church

in the holy place of Drie.



The little chapel is integrated since 1765

into a farmhouse, now the Boshuis restaurant

deep in the woods of the Veluwe, Netherlands

at the tiny village of Drie.

The building date of the original chapel

is dating from about 800 AD.

Very likely the chapel has been renewed since that time.




The two windows on the side give

the length of the original building.

Inside is an ending wall next to the second window.

At this place believers came into the chapel

for about a thousand years, until

the pilgrimage stopped forever

 and the farmhouse was added to the chapel.

In my opinion, the goddess in this chapel

has been honored

in the aspect of Maria, or maybe as the

so-called Nootgod-trinity Anna, Maria, Child,

in the same way as in Heiloo

the virgin with child is being honored

as a remnant of the goddess religion.

Before the chapel was rebuild in 800 AD

by the Irish missionaries,

 the goddess was also honored

in the male aspect of the Sun, which is Amen or also Sol.



The two pillars at the corners of the chapel

seem to be real old remnants of the original building.

The villagers of Drie have knowledge of a legend

about a religious building with monks

dressed in white clothes being destroyed as a punishment.

I think that the monks in the legend were really druids

dressed in white. So in my opinion,

this ancient local legend says something

about the Irish missionaries, who destroyed the holy place

of the goddess and killed the druids at that time.



About the Solse Gat, nearby this holy place of Drie:


See also the Solsche Gat, a holy place of old.


The wall paper Number 14 is of the Solse Gat.


A second visit to the Solsche Gat.


The 2003-group visiting the Solsche Gat.


See also the ancient place of the Goddess at Heiloo.



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Updated July 21, 2011

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